Individual Game Rules

Fantasy Mini Leagues

Click here for Rules of the Game

Tour de France Cycling 2023

Top 10s & 176 Ticket Sweepstake

Click here for Rules of the Game

Tour de France Cycling 2023

22 & 44 Ticket Sweepstake

Click here for Rules of the Game

Tour de France Cycling 2023

Team per Ticket Sweepstake

Click here for Rules of the Game

The Ashes 2023

Correct Score Sweepstake Rules

Click here for Rules of the Game

The Ashes 2023

Highest Run Scorer Per Test

Click here for Rules of the Game

The Ashes 2023

Highest Wicket Taker Per Test

Click here for Rules of the Game

FIFA Women’s World Cup 2023

Click here for Rules of the Game

The U.S PGA Golf Championship 2023

Click here for Rules of the Game

ICC World Test Championship Final 2023

Highest Runs

Click here for Rules of the Game

Eurovision 2023

Multiple Country Tickets

Click here for Rules of the Game

The World Championship Snooker 2023

Click here for Rules of the Game

The Men & Women’s Hundred 2023

Click here for Rules of the Game

Rugby World Cup 2023

Click here for Rules of the Game

US Open Tennis 2023

Men’s and Ladies Singles - Last 16

Click here for Rules of the Game

ICC World Test Championship Final 2023

Highest Wickets

Click here for Rules of the Game

The Grand National 2023

Click here for Rules of the Game

Cheltenham Races - Day 1 2023

Click here for Rules of the Game

Football - Last Goal Timing

Click here for Rules of the Game

FIFA Women’s World Cup - Last 16

Click here for Rules of the Game

Football - Correct Score in 90 Minutes

Click here for Rules of the Game

British Open Golf 2023

Click here for Rules of the Game

Wimbledon 2023

Men’s & Ladies Singles - Last 16

Click here for Rules of the Game

French Open Tennis 2023

Men’s and Ladies Singles

Click here for Rules of the Game

Eurovision 2023

Single Country Tickets

Click here for Rules of the Game

The U.S Masters 2023

Click here for Rules of the Game

Aintree Day 1 - Turbo Tops 3s 2023

Click here for Rules of the Game

Six Nations - Top Try Scorer

Click here for Rules of the Game

Plucky Platform Rules of the Game

Sweepstake Technologies Limited (“STL”) T/A

Rules of Play

Introduction offers customers aged 18 and over, a fun and secure way to set up

sweepstakes based on major sporting events throughout the year. Keep it social by inviting friends,

family or colleagues to join your own private sweepstake. All entry fees are pooled with the winner

paid out the prizes according to the independently verified result of that particular sporting event.

The following rules of play will outline the game process including the circumstances and policies for

when events are cancelled, postponed or participants in a sweepstake are withdrawn. promoted events

The Company will offer and promote sweepstakes on certain high profile sporting events, such as

The Grand National, The FIFA World Cup, Wimbledon, the British Open golf. When these events are

‘live’ on the platform, there will be the opportunity for customers to create their own sweepstake

against the chosen event and then to invite their friends or colleagues (who must also be approved

customers) to join.

The customer who initiates a sweepstake will be referred to as a ‘founder player’.

The customer who joins a sweepstake via an invite will be referred to as a ‘player’.

The Founder

The founder of a sweepstake has four main functions to perform;

1. select the sporting event they wish to run a sweepstake on – eg. The Grand National

2. set the price of entry – this is the fixed cost for each selection into the sweepstake

3. determine the prize fund pay-out scheme from the following defaults – eg. winner takes all,

prizes for places, random prizes or ‘booby’ prizes etc’

4. invite the other players (family, friends and/or colleagues) to participate

Inviting others to participate

A founder player can invite other players into ‘their’ sweepstake via a unique URL which can be sent

by email, social media or instant messengers such as Whatsapp. Upon clicking the link, it will bring

the invited players straight through to the entry page for that sweepstake with all the relevant game

information pre-populated. With the terms of entry already determined by the founder player, all

the invited player must do is click ‘enter’ and initiate their random selection. Should the player not

already have an account, they will be invited to go through the registration process and deposit of

funds process in order for them to enter the sweepstake.

Making a Selection

Once a player has entered the sweepstake, they will have the opportunity to pick a ‘selection tile’.

Once the tile is chosen, the player will be presented with a unique random entry from the remaining

entries available for that draw.

Randomisation Process - Random Allocation/Multiple Ticket Games

Plucky does its utmost to ensure all of our games and sweepstakes are fundamentally random.

The fundamental platform for this is that all tickets when chosen and ‘scratched off’ by users are done so ‘blind’.

These are chosen completely at random. When it is necessary, due to timings of events,

size of fields or unknown names of competitors, Plucky will use random

processes to allocate any number of pre-determined ‘runners and riders’ to individual tickets.

These are generally published before the event and are available in the rules of the individual game.

To give time for customers to invite their friends into sweepstakes or for

charities and clubs to invite their members into games, it is often necessary to publish

a sweepstake before the actual number or names of competitors in known.

To get over this hurdle, Plucky will normally estimate the minimum number

of competitors or use the number that have declared at a particular time before the event and

will declare that to be ‘our field’. If names are also not known until nearer the event, then

we will use our randomisation process to divide the ‘field’ into the number of runners and

riders per ticket. The numbers on the ticket will then be referred back to the numbers

when the final names of the competitors in the event are declared.

For example in the Grand National, the horses will be numbered 1 to 40, so if we have

randomised the numbers for 10 tickets of 4 horses on each some weeks before, the customer will

get a ticket with 4 numbers of it, which will be the horse’s number on the day. In the event of a

competition like the US Masters Golf, the 80 players we have chosen as

‘our field’ will be listed alphabetically and assigned a number of 1

to 80 in ascending order. We then use certain statistical processes available

on Microsoft Windows 10 Excel in order to select, for example for 20 tickets with

4 golfers on each, by using the functions, INDEX, UNIQUE, RANDARRAY and VLOOKUP

to give 20 rows and 4 columns of non-repeating integers and to arrange them in an array of golfers’

names rather than numbers. Due to restrictions on the characters available on each ticket for mobile

display, in some instances the tickets will only contain numbers, but the competitors to which these

numbers relate will be published in the rules of the individual games. Again, regardless of which

random process is used to allocate competitors to tickets, the randomness of the

selection is underpinned by the fact that the users choose each ticket at random. 

Timing of Selections

All selections must be made prior to the cut-off time as stated clearly on the sweepstake event page.

This cut-off time will vary depending on the event and will be displayed on the game page. For

example, the cut-off time for a horse race is 5 minutes before the published ‘off’ time, whereas that

for the FIFA World Cup is one hour before the official start of the first game of the tournament. No

selections will be allowed once the cut-off time has passed.

Unfilled selections

When a sweepstake is approaching the cut-off time and there are still selections which have not

been ‘picked’, the platform will remind players within each ‘sweepstake’ that additional selections

are still available.

Should any selections remain unchosen after the cut-off time and one of those unpicked selections

wins, then the next available selection that has been chosen will receive that prize. For example, if

the winner of a horse race was not selected, then the second place would receive first prize, third

would receive second prize and fourth would receive third prize. If the sweepstake was a ‘winner

take all’ game then the full prize money would be allocated by the platform to the best performing

selection chosen, regardless of their place.

A maximum of selection tiles can be picked by any player in any sweepstake is set at 40% of the total

number of available entries at the start of the draw

Selections are private

Whilst every player is allowed to pick their tile and see their selection, the entries are not displayed

publicly to every player until after the draw cut-off.

Non-Runner Selections

When a ‘selections drops out of the sporting event this will still be regarded as a runner like any

traditional sweepstake.


The results of all sweepstakes will be determined by a publicly available, recognised, reliable and

pre-determined data source. This may vary from sport to sport but will always be from a credible

source and will be published on the platform for each sporting event. As such, all results will be final

and not subject to negotiation.

Each player regardless of outcome is clearly notified of the sporting event results, sweepstake

winners and the prize pay-outs.

Prize pay-outs and Refunds

Once the prize places have been declared, the prize monies are distributed automatically by the

platform directly into the customers’ cash balance. Once a result has been

declared, that result is final regardless of any overturning of such a result in the event of for example

a positive drug test or other unforeseen circumstance that may occur at a later date, regardless of

when such a change of result takes place.

The original result and the prize pay-out determined by the platform will stand in all circumstances.

In the extremely unlikely event where a service interruption is caused by failures in the gambling

system, we will suspend all sweepstakes that have been affected by a significant event before service

is restored and fully refund all players. Other system failures will be dealt with fairly on a case-by-case


If prizes are paid in error to the wrong account, the client must return the payment back to the

Company immediately upon request in line with our Terms and Conditions.

The platform administration fee

The Company charges a administration fee totalling 11% of the prize pot for each sweepstake. This

fee will only be taken when a result has been declared and all winning players have been paid out.

Funding your account

The Company requires a minimum deposit of £20.00 from which, once approved, can be used to

fund individual sweepstake selection picks. The maximum deposit in any one month is set at £500

and the maximum stake in an individual sweepstake is £100. The minimum stake for an individual sweepstake is set at £5.

Withdrawals and Cancellations

Players may withdraw any amount of credit from their account at any time. There are no minimum

requirements for withdrawals.
Players may cancel their account at anytime by notifying:

Social gaming

It is important to note that whilst the activities of the Company are regulated by the UK Gambling

Commission and are classed as pool betting, the product in intended to be a fun way for friends and

colleagues to enjoy major sporting events. It is not intended to be a gambling site where large

amounts of money can be made or lost. It is a social gaming site which is designed to be a bit of fun

for groups of friends, family or work colleagues.

Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)

Should any dispute situation arise which is not readily solvable between the customer and the

company, the company has appointed an independent ADR company, which will arbitrate on the

dispute and arrive at a conclusion. Their decision is binding on both parties and final as described in

our Terms and Conditions. This company is ADR Group: