Football - Correct Score in 90 Minutes

Rules of the Game

All event game rules and our overall game rules can be found here: Game Rules
If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact us at

The Rules…

Correct Score in 90 Minutes - Sweepstake Rules

1.What does ‘90 minutes’ mean when settling my bet?

Bets placed on Football markets are settled based on the 90 minutes plus any injury time that is played. All goals that occur during the game will count towards the settlement of your bet.

Sweepstake will be a 25 ticket ‘winner takes all’.

2. Each ticket will be either scratched off at random by the customer when the ‘draw’ is open, or will be allocated at random by Plucky where the customer is unable to participate in the ‘draw’ itself.

3. In the case of private individual sweepstakes - 1st Place Only Sweepstake - Winner takes all less plucky fees  (100% - 9.75% = 90.25%)

4. In the case of sweepstakes being held in aid of charities or clubs - 1st Place Only Sweepstake - Winner receives 50% of gross pot. Plucky takes 9.5%, HMRC takes 7.5% in Pool Betting Duty (6.04% paid by Club and 1.47% paid by Plucky) and the Club takes 34.21%.

5. The sweepstake result is based on the result declared immediately following the end of the final match.

6. Winner’s funds will normally be credited to customer’s accounts within 24 hours of the result being declared.

7. In the unlikely event of some force majeure preventing any match from taking place, all funds will be credited back to customers’ accounts, less a small deduction to cover Plucky’s transaction costs. This will be a maximum of 5%.

8. All start and end times for the entire duration of match are based on the official data supplier.

9. These rules should be read in conjunction with Plucky’s general sweepstake Rules of the Game and Terms and Conditions. 

Entry Fees:

For single player sweepstakes; £5, £10, £20, £50 or £100 per ticket

All event game rules and our overall game rules can be found here: Game Rules
If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact us at